Tennessee the Volunteer State 1769–1923: Volume 3
Albert Ellsworth Mahannah of Memphis is justly entitled to be styled one of America's captains of industry, for his steady advancement in the business world has brought him to the head of the Kelsey Wheel Company, which here operates the largest hardwood sawmill in the United States, its product being handled by the largest automobile factory in the world and various other extensive plants connected with motor car manufacturing. Not by leaps and bounds has he reached his present position but by an orderly progression that indicates his wise use of every opportunity that has come to him.
Throughout his career he has seen to it that each day has marked off a fullfaithed attempt to know more and to grow more and his steady advancement has brought to him American leadership in his line. His life story is a most interesting one. He was born in Cortland, Ohio, February 20, 1864, his parents being Harvey and Margaret A. (Moore) Mahannah, both of whom were natives of Pennsylvania, in which state they were reared and married. They then removed to Ohio, where the father engaged in farming, save for the period of his service as a soldier in the Union army, He passed away May 12, 1918, at the venerable age of eighty years, having long survived his wife, who died on the 1st of September, 1878. They were parents of three children. The two daughters are living in Ohio.