Persons: Gwen ApMadoc Filename: Gwen in riding outfit 2
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc Filename: Gwen in riding outfit
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc Filename: Gwen Junior Prom 2
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc Filename: Gwen Junior Prom
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc, Randy Hubbard Filename: Gwen and kid
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc, Randy Hubbard, Johnathan Hubbard Filename: Gwen, Randy, Jonathan
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc Filename: Gwen 1(1)
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc, Tudor ApMadoc III, Gill ApMadoc, Denby Smith Locations: Pleasant Ridge MI Filename: Gwen, Tudor III, Gill, Denby, at Tudor III's house just before Tudor Jr and Vivians Wedding
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc Filename: Gwen 5-19-95
 Persons: Gwen ApMadoc, Johnathan Hubbard Filename: Gwen and 2 boys
 Persons: Tudor ApMadoc Jr, Sherry Dillingham Events: Gwen & Art's Wedding Filename: P0000912
 Persons: Tudor ApMadoc Jr Events: Gwen & Art's Wedding Filename: P0000915