Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah), Gill ApMadoc Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Fontie and Gill - November 1956
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Fontie and Hope
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah), Tudor ApMadoc Jr Locations: Berkley MI Filename: Fontie and Tudor Jr - Northwood Inn - Woodward Ave - Berkley Mich
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Locations: Walled Lake MI Notes: Garden Area
Filename: Fontie with chow
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Filename: Fontie(2)
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah), Tudor ApMadoc III, Tudor ApMadoc Jr, Gwen ApMadoc, Denby Smith, Joan Smith, Rusty Smith, Kenny Smith Locations: Clarkston MI Filename: Fontie and Family - August 1969
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Locations: Clarkston MI Filename: Fontie at Cranberry House Living Room
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Locations: Clarkston MI Filename: Fontie July 1968 - 1
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Locations: Clarkston MI Filename: Fontie July 1968
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah), Tudor ApMadoc Jr Locations: Maui HI Filename: Tudor and Fontie in Hawaii
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Locations: Clarkston MI Filename: Fontie - Xmas 77
 Persons: Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah) Filename: Fontie in england