Welcome to the
Camp Mahn-Go-Tah-See

- Video Clips from counselors and staff talking about their camp experiences
- click on the video button above
- We are putting this site together for staff and campers of the camp.
It's purpose is to :
- To stay in touch, find lost friends
- Share photographs. Please dig though those boxes of pictures. To
get them included on our web site:
- Scan them in, minimum resolution of 640 x 480, but prefer 300dpi at 8"
x 10" Let us know if you have questions on how to do that.
- Make sure you make typed notations of peoples names, locations, events
with the file name listed!
- Send them to me on a CD-ROM or DVD.
- Contact me to make other arrangements.
- Keep up to date with events, gatherings
Date of last update :
21 May, 2011