Camp Mahn Go Tah See
Photo LIbrary

Persons: Homer Roberts
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Homper putting out "Wildlife Preserve" signs as part of a camp board work weekend.
Filename: photo022

Persons: Homer Roberts, Tudor ApMadoc
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Gus shows off a new arrival at the Nature Center to a group of curious campers. Frequently raccoons - recently orphaned by a flood of their den or their mother getting run over by a car - were brough to the camp, so tat they would be cared for by Gus and the campers. Later the racoons would be released when they were old enough to take care of themselves.

All three wings of the Nature Center have been completed, but still at the stage where it had canvas made from old tents to protect the interior
Filename: photo023

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: In the mid 50's the Redford Union School Administration decided the school was spending much more time and money on the under achievers of the high school and overlooking their oblications to the over achievers. So four college level electives were made available to seniors. the four were English Literature, Ancient History, Advanced Math, and Conservation and Outdoor Education. Homer became the conservation teacher in 1955 and the class was an overight hit! A major attraction of the class was a three day journey to Camp Mahn-Go-Tah-See each semester which included northern florest, exploration hikes, forest service demonstrations of fire control, a great lakes all-day fishing trip. Meals were cooked by the students themselves in an outdoor setting. Here is one of Homers first groups about to take off on a long weekend expedition. Each semester Homer had about 40 studetns, intelligent, highly motivated, who appreciated being part of such a group and thankful that they had been selected from the large number which wanted to take the class.

Homer taught the class until his retirement in 1972 and he always though of the students as "The Dream Class". Over the years many of the counseling staff at Mahn-Go-Tah-See were chosen from these students, and those ended up being some of the very best of the camp staff.
Filename: photo024

Persons: Yuho Fuqio
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Yuho Fuqio, a visitor to Cranbrook from his native Japan and assistant to Dot in handicrafts at Mahn-Go-Tah-See, does some tribal face painting, while another counselor looks on
Filename: photo025

Persons: Mike Hogan
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: While Mike Hogan (Center) , the nature assistant, a couple of campers, and Topsy (the Roberts dog) quietly look on, the camper in the front of the boad attempts to net a painted turtle. If he is successful, the turtle will become a participant in the follwoing Sunday's "Turtle Race", after which all the collection of turtles will be returned to the lake and into the cove from which they came.

Now this area has been dredged, and cottages fill the lakeshore area.
Filename: photo026

Persons: Bob Lynd, Gene Hubbard
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: The large camp staff in 1934, most of the staff members were from Birmingham, including Director Bob Lynd (4th from the left, top row) and Gene Hubbard, program director (2nd from the left, bottom row)
Filename: photo027

Persons: Bob Lynd
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: A favorete photo-op setting for the professional photograhers was the hillside triangle (the symbol of the YMCA), and a line up of the camp horses.

Camp Director Bob Lynd is in the top row, far right.
Filename: photo028

Persons: Howie Sumara
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Waterfront Director Howard "Howie" Sumera with a beginners group. Howie was patient, super-friendly, and highly dependable.

He was "Trip Counselor" his first year, when Robbie Robinson was waterfront director, Howie became waterfront driector his second year.
Filename: photo029

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Two chartered Greyhound buses arriave at camp with an eager load of campers from Royal Oak, Birmingham, Pontiac, and other communties in Oakland County.

At this time the sports court was surronded by a wooden fence

The buses did not attempt to drive up to the back of the dining lodge, instead luggage was hauled up on the camp truck
Filename: photo030

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Homer still active teaching nature in 1997
Filename: photo031

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Filename: photo032

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Filename: photo033

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