Camp Mahn Go Tah See
Photo LIbrary

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Ursa Major. A hone hour exposure taken from 11pm to midnight, a full moon was out.
Filename: photo035

Persons: Homer Roberts
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: The Chief (Homer Roberts) and his council, just before the ceremonial Pow Wow, which were at the close of each camp session.

Filename: photo036

Persons: Dwayne Johnston, Jim Holden
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Nature Assistant Dwayne Johnstaon and CIT Jim Holden prepare to go to turtle hunting with a group of eager campers. Turtle Cove, in the distant backgroud.

Tutles were captured during the session then used at visitors day for a turtle race. Each cabin would select a turtle for the race and the cabin with the winning turtle would get a prize - either candy or watermelon. The turtles were released the following day.
Filename: photo037

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Follow the shoreline from left to right in the aerial photograph taken by Homer Roberts. From the far left, waterfront (you can see the docks, raft and sailboat), Navigation Center, Sports Court, Lynd Lodge, and Jeffers Outpost

The open field in the middle is now (over 50 years later) filled in with trees.
Filename: photo038

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: The area below the dining lodge, where the sports court is now located) was known as the "Small Flats" and was the scene of many evening activities, some of the campers and counselors appear to be getting ready for a footrace.

Note the tent at the upper left, this is where the health center is now located.
Filename: photo039

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: M-65 runs parallel to the bottom of the picture, with the camp road turning off to the left oat the far right side. The Roberts home as it was before 1965 is in the foreground, on the west side of M-65.

The photo was taken sometime between 1963, when the Roberts purchased the home and 1966 when they began to change and renovate it.

Filename: photo040

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Another shot of the Roberts home, just right of center.
Filename: photo041

Persons: Dean Beier
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Dean Beier (Center) and crew erect a sign for Jeffer's Outpost, near the outcamp.

It was built in memory of Dr Fred Jeffers, a Pontiac Opthomologist and former board president.

The Outpost shelter has now been converted into a storage area
Filename: photo042

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: Archetitects rendition for Jeffers outpost

When Dr. Fred Jeffers died suddenly of a heart attack, his wife asked friends to give donations to camp in lieu of flowers. The fund was to be used for an outpost for the older campers.

It was used for a variety of purposes, including scout camp, band camp cookouts over the years.

Fred Jeffers father had been a cmp board member.

Fred himself had been a camper, and his two sons were in camp the year that he died.
Filename: photo043

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: A group of campers, and the camp nurse (upper right) discover and have a look at a nest and eggs of a lttle chipping sparrow.

It will be examined and monitored over the summer as the eggs hatch and the young slowly grow their feathers and abandon the nest.

Filename: photo044

Persons: Homer Roberts
Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: A nature hike group with Homer Roberts at the Roberts home cornfield in 1972

A trip to "Gus and Dot's" farm was always a favorite walk on the nature hike with rasberries to be picked, apple sauce to be made, and "farm house" treasures to be enjoyed. It was always a half-day event.
Filename: photo045

Locations: Camp Mahn Go Tah See Mi
Notes: The dining lodge when it was fairly new. Note the pole bridge in the foreground and the footpath that the bridge replaced.

This area is completely filled in with trees now.
Filename: photo046

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