Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby Christmas Stocking Feb 1951
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby in bed around xmas
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby in Chaps
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby in snow with collie
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby putting on skates
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby riding on bale of straw
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby school picture
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby teenage 1
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby teenage
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby with BB gun
 Persons: Denby Smith Locations: Dells WI Filename: Denby with Indian
 Persons: Denby Smith Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Denby with new bike