Persons: Denby Smith Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Denby, Fontie, Mollie and Daschund
 Persons: Denby Smith, Gwen ApMadoc Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Denby, Gwen - 1952
 Persons: Denby Smith, Gwen ApMadoc Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Denby, Gwen 1952 (2)
 Persons: Denby Smith, Gwen ApMadoc Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Denby, Gwen 1952 (4)
 Persons: Denby Smith, Gwen ApMadoc Locations: Walled Lake MI Filename: Denby, Gwen
 Persons: Joan Smith, Denby Smith Events: Denby's Graduation Locations: Clarkston MI Filename: Denby and Joan's Graduation
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby military photo
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby Military pic
 Persons: Denby Smith Filename: Denby Senior picture
 Persons: Denby Smith Events: Denby & Joan's Wedding Filename: Denbys wedding, blurry shot of Denby and men
 Persons: Tudor ApMadoc Jr, Fontie ApMadoc (Mahannah), Denby Smith Locations: Clarkston MI Filename: Fontie, Denby, Tudor Jr at Cranberry House
 Persons: Joan Smith, Kenny Smith, Rusty Smith Filename: Ken, Russ, Joan